
How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality At Home, Starting From Scratch

If you're like many of us, you probably don't think about your home's air quality until there's a problem. Poor air quality contributes to many of the common health issues we face. You may find yourself becoming more susceptible to seasonal allergies as time goes on, such as coughing, sneezing, or sore throat. Or, you find yourself suddenly having to deal with the pollution of wildfires where you live. Perhaps someone in your household was just diagnosed with asthma. No matter the reason, you've identified the need to improve your health and maintain a sanitary living space.

The good news is, there are very affordable methods to improve your air quality. With the right tools, you can secure an effective air filtration system in your household, essentially hassle-free; without the use of heavy installation, intricate knowledge, or big bucks.

Do you know how many families do not use any form of air filtration in their households at all? Many families do not know the benefits of air filtration or were never introduced to air filtration. They get sick more often, miss more work and school, and are at higher risk of respiratory issues.

The airflow in your home is stagnant if there is no filtration system in place. Inevitably, your indoor air quality can only get worse over time, not improve. So, which air filters do you need for home use? In this blog post, we will discuss how to get the best air filtration for your home, starting from scratch! Refer to this guide for total air quality control.

You can improve your indoor air quality overnight with the installation of the following systems and units...

Air Purifiers

The first thing you'll want to purchase in order to improve your indoor air quality is an air purifier. They'll take care of the following common household irritants:

  • Dust Mites
  • Pollen
  • Pet Hair
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Virus Particles

Primarily what an air purifier does is stimulate airflow. It is actually the filters that capture the airborne particles, which need to be replaced every few months. You cannot purchase an air purifier and leave it there, it must be properly maintained. Once you purchase an air purifier, you can expect to occasionally replace the filters (every 6-12 months). HEPA and carbon filters for air purifiers are inexpensive and can be purchased from the LifeSupplyUSA store.

HEPA Filters

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are the main source of particle removal. Made of fine fiberglass, they are able to capture very small airborne particles that most other filters do not capture. These are the problems they'll tackle:

  • Allergies: One of the most common household allergens is dust mites. Mites, along with pollen and pet hair, are the particles that cause allergies and could be making you sick more often (sneezing, coughing, runny nose). HEPA filters are powerful enough to capture and trap dust mites, pollen, and pet hair.
  • Bacteria and mold growth: HEPA filters are also able to prevent bacteria and remove mold spores from the air, which also contribute to respiratory issues.

**Note that if you have a problem with mold particularly, you may instead want to invest in a dehumidifier.

Carbon Filters

This filter goes into the air purifier after the HEPA filter, facing outwards toward you. Its specialty is to remove odors, chemical contamination, and VOCs, which are particularly a threat to your health.

  • Asthma: Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, or pipes can cause allergies and asthma attacks. Carbon filters will break down these harmful molecules and help relieve the symptoms.
  • Odor removal: For a fresher, cleaner home, carbon filters will neutralize all odor caused by pets, cooking, and smoking.


Humidifiers function by adding moisture to the air and are used widely during the wintertime when the air is dry. Dry air can aggravate existing respiratory problems and cause others as the season changes.

Humidifiers are used for the following issues:

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Dry skin & hair
  • Static cling

Any issue caused by dry air can be fixed with a humidifier. Its primary function is to add moisture to the air, but it also works very similarly to an air purifier.

Wick Filters

Humidifiers use wick or honeycomb filters in order to capture and trap particles that flow through the unit. Like an air purifier, once trapped inside the filter, those allergens are not getting back out! That is why they pair excellently with air purifiers during the cold and dry months.

Humidifiers are typically a household essential for those with respiratory issues such as asthma and COPD, but they must be used responsibly. Not changing the humidifier filters can cause more harm than good, stimulating the growth of mold and bacteria.

Electrostatic Filters

Finally, if your household is equipped with an A/C or heating unit, you can also use that to your advantage and improve the air quality. One way to do this is by using electrostatic filters, which are placed inside the A/C or heating unit.

Great Support

These filters work to remove particles from the air as it circulates in your home. They can also help control asthma and allergy symptoms. The best part about these filters is that they help support the quality of your air, while also maintaining temperature levels. Why not clean and cool the air at the same time?

Electrostatic filters are a great purchase because they are non-disposable (can be washed and reused again and again) and they are very easy to maintain.

Air Filters Allow You to Breathe Easy!

If you are looking to improve your indoor air quality, you can start from scratch inexpensively with the suggested systems above. To recap, you'll want to utilize as many air filters as you can to stimulate airflow and capture airborne particles and irritants. Instead of masking symptoms with cold and flu medicine, it is better to directly target the source. Even if you think your air quality is fine, everyone should have an air filtration system in place, in order to keep it that way.

You'll need an air purifier primarily, along with the occasional replacement of HEPA filters and carbon filters. During the winter, you'll want to also add a humidifier along with the required filter. Finally, an electrostatic filter is a good support tool that will assist with removing airborne particles as it cools or heats your living space.

At LifeSupplyUSA, we are experts in air filtration systems. You can find filter replacements for all of these units in our air filters catalog.

**If you think that it is mold growth causing you to become sick, you may need a dehumidifier. This unit, contrary to humidifiers, helps when an indoor environment is too moist. Check for evidence of this (the room will feel "damp", windows may collect condensation). Mold thrives in these types of environments, so using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture might do the trick.

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