
5 Factors to Consider When Choosing A Vacuum Cleaner that Meets Your Need

Attaining the desired level of cleanliness in your home is not only a function of physical efforts; rather, it also depends on the right cleaning tools. For vacuum cleaners, there is no one-size-fits-all. The variations in floor layout, floor surfaces, and apartment settings behoove a variation in the design and features of vacuum cleaners. Regardless of the kind of flooring you have, whether carpets, marble, rugs, or tiles, you need a vacuum cleaner to do an excellent cleaning job.

At the moment, there are a ton of designs and specifications for vacuum accessories and bags that serve the needs of different floor layouts which can be found on LifeSupplyUSA online store. Due to this, it is quite tricky deciding on the best vacuum cleaner that meets your need. However, not all vacuum cleaners out there can meet your home's needs; there are so many factors to consider before opting for one.

What are the Common Types and Variations of Vacuum Cleaners?

Cognizance of the various models and variations of vacuum cleaners takes one a step further in understanding how a particular vacuum cleaner relates to their cleaning needs. Here are the top and common models of vacuum cleaners.

  • Uprights: These are the conventional vacuum cleaners that come as a unit and are required to be pulled all around. An upright is usually a large size and is best suitable for spacious rooms. With its great suction and good airflow, it is a great cleaning tool for carpet floors.
  • Canisters: Canisters are similar to the uprights, except that the whole of the vacuum cleaner does not have to be pulled around. It has more maneuverability than the uprights and comes with a flexible hose that aids in reaching hard-to-get places.
  • Robotic: The robotic vacuum cleaner is an innovative model and is the representation of technology doing what it knows best; furnishing convenience. The robotic cleaner works in an automated fashion and can be configured to be controlled by the use of a wireless connection. It is time-saving and particularly recommended for people who desire to vacuum frequently but have tight schedules.
  • Handheld: The handheld is usually meant for cleaning small areas and is more portable. It gives first-hand control over your vacuuming and comes with extensible hoses to reach a wider area.
  • Bagged/ Bagless: Bagged vacuum cleaners make use of bags to trap dirt and debris, while bagless vacuum cleaners don't utilize bags. The bagless vacuum cleaners have an advantage over the bagged cleaners as they do not require vacuum bags to be replaced. You can find your vacuum bags at LifeSupplyUSA.

Five Factors to Consider When Choosing a Vacuum Cleaner

Here are some common factors to consider when buying a vacuum cleaner that meets your needs: 

Home layout

The primary consideration when it comes to choosing vacuum accessories from LifeSupplyUSA should be the layout of the home. Some aspects of your home layout might limit the efficiency of some vacuum cleaners. Upright vacuum cleaners, which take a lot of space, are not suitable for houses with small spaces and tight corners that need to be vacuumed. Hard-to-reach areas in the home require a better flexible cleaner, such as the handheld that comes with various attachments to enable you to clean hard-to-reach places. Homes with stairs also limit the efficiency of the upright vacuum cleaner as there won't be enough leverage to place the vacuum on the stairs while still vacuuming the stairs.

Level of activity and vacuuming frequency

If you are the only occupant in your home or live in an apartment with a few occupants, you might not require vacuuming often. A home with a high number of occupants, pets, or a high-level activity would naturally require a higher vacuuming frequency. Robotic cleaners would be a great choice for this homes that require a high vacuuming frequency because it saves time and energy. 

Noise level

Tolerance to noise differs across individuals, and an extremely high level of noise over a long period is liable to cause damage. More manufacturers strive to adopt technology that would significantly reduce the amount of noise made by vacuum cleaners. If there are concerns about the level of noise during cleaning, vacuum cleaners with low noise levels should be selected.


Pets shed furs that tend to stick more to floors and surfaces, and as such high suction power vacuum cleaners and hair is left behind, high power uprights would do a good job of cleaning your surfaces and ensuring that no fur or hair is left behind.


Dust, debris, and some other particles are potential sources of allergies. People who have allergies should pay attention to the air system of their vacuum cleaners. A high filtration vacuum bags and accessories from LifeSupplyUSA which prevents the escape of allergens is highly recommended. People prone to allergies should also look out for vacuum cleaners that are HEPA tagged. HEPA, which stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air, filters almost 99% of particles, however small, and is effective in ridding the environments of allergens. Bagged vacuum cleaners that limit the level of outrushing of dust while evacuating the vacuum are also recommended.


The aforementioned are crucial factors to be considered before procuring a vacuum cleaner. Bearing in mind that vacuum cleaners are not appliances that can just be bought and easily discarded, it would pay to be circumspect about your choice of purchase.

In the pursuit of keeping your home and surfaces clean, efficiency, convenience, and safety are qualities that should never be compromised. The best place to buy high-quality, durable, and sturdy vacuum accessories, bags and cords is from the LifeSupplyUSA. Vacuum accessories from this online shop are capable of lasting their lifetime.

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