
How to Replace Your Air Purifier Filter

You invested in a high-quality air purifier to keep your family safe from airborne allergens and other pollutants that could aggravate asthma and cause respiratory issues. However, it's not enough to just buy an air purifier, you need to maintain the device too! If you want your air purifier HEPA filter to work at its optimum level, then you need to replace it regularly with a new one.

In this article, we will go over how often you should change your filter, and how easy it is with a few simple steps!

When is it Time to Change Your Air Purifier Filter?

You need to check the manufacturer's recommended replacement schedule for your specific model. This information should be available on a label or in your user manual.

Standard 6-12 months

Most HEPA air filters last between six and twelve months, but it is important to check your filter's condition before deciding when to replace it. Look for signs that the filter needs changing such as reduced airflow from the unit, increased noise levels, or a decrease in performance. There may even be an indicator light on your air purifier unit that will let you know when it's time to replace it.

The "Light Test"

If you're not sure if it's time for a new filter, try this test: hold the HEPA filter up to a light source. If you cannot see much light shining through it due to clogged air particles, then the filter is past its prime and should be replaced. If you can still clearly see light illuminating through the filter, then it’s fine and you can check it again later!

How to Replace Your Air Purifier's HEPA Filter

Replacing an air purifier HEPA filter is a very simple process that usually takes less than five minutes. Here are the basic steps:

Safety First

Always turn off your air purifier unit before unplugging it from the wall.

1. Locate the cartridge where the old air purifier filter sits, which should be easy to identify.

You may need a screwdriver or other tool to release the air purifier's locking mechanism if there is one in place.

2. If you have multiple air filters installed, pay close attention to the order in which each sits before you remove them.

Some air purifiers have multiple filters that need to be replaced at different intervals. Always check your user manual for the specific replacement schedule, although it is easier to replace them all at the same time. This way, there is no confusion when it is time to put the new ones in.

3. Pull out your old air purifier HEPA filter and dispose of it properly.

It should be immediately taken to an outside trash bin. The purpose of this is to avoid recycling those old particles back into your breathing air, and there is no reason to keep it any longer.

4. Insert the new air purifier filter into the unit.

Make sure that it is in the correct position and locked into place.

5. Plug your air purifier back into the wall and turn it on.

It should be functioning as usual now. If you installed them in place correctly, it should run quietly and any previous indicator lights should turn off. If that is the case, then you're all done!

Replacing Carbon Air Filters

If you also have carbon filters to go along with the HEPA filter, now is a good time to replace them. Simply follow the same steps as above, taking care to remove and insert the new carbon filters in their correct positions.

Most carbon filters are placed in front of the HEPA filter inside of the air purifier unit, facing outwards towards you, but it may be different for your specific model.


Regularly changing your air purifier HEPA filter is an important part of keeping your family safe from airborne allergens and pollutants. It's a very simple process that usually takes no more than five minutes, and it's well worth the peace of mind!

Replacing these filters is also very inexpensive. Replacement HEPA and carbon air filters can be found on www.LifeSupplyUSA.com with the most competitive prices on the market. You can shop here for high-quality air filters that won't break the bank.

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